Thursday, March 24, 2011

Our ER Trip

This is Parker with his popsicle.  He was beginning to come around at this point.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Teaching Patience...

My mom always said that when God was giving out patience, Lara and I were in the bathroom talking.  I guess now is a time I realize that more than ever.  It is super hard to be patient when it comes to your baby though!  After our trip to the ER on Saturday, it left us waiting for a phone call from a local neurologist's office to have Parker have an EEG.  If you don't know already, Parker had a series of events on Saturday that landed us in the ER with a diagnosis of petit mal (absence) seizures.  Waiting on the neurologist's office to call seems to last forever.  I have called 3 times, each ending with the same answer that we are next in line for our appointment.  How can you be next in line for 2 days?!?!  God has his ways of reminding you that he is in control.  Now I have to remind myself to let him be in control and not try to do everything myself.  That's the hard part!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Starting Today...

I decided to start a blog for our family just to keep those, especially those that don't live close to us, up to date on what is going on.  This way you can see pictures of Parker and how much he is growing and changing!  I hope you enjoy!