Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Mary Did you Know?

The Christmas season has come and gone, and I can say we had a great time with family and friends.  One of my favorite moments was spending our Christmas morning in the one place we should spend every Christmas morning whether it falls on Sunday or not, at our local church Capshaw Baptist.  As I sat there and thought about the Christmas story, I couldn't help but think of Mary and how she felt on that first Christmas morning.  Can you imagine the thoughts and emotions she had? I'm sure she was happy, proud, excited, and exhausted like any new mother is, but it I couldn't help but think that she thought about the future of her baby.  Here is the Savior of the World in her arms, but yet, an innocent baby.  Could she imagine the sinless life he would lead, only to die for the sins of the entire world?  I'll be honest, just the thought of it brought tears to my eyes.  Having one little boy and another on the way made it that much more real to me.  I can't even imagine what went through Mary's thoughts that day and the days ahead.  I know that I love my boys more than anything in the world, but this only helped to remind me that as much as I love them, I only love them a fraction as much as God does.  Yes, they are mine to take care of here on earth, but ultimately, they are not mine.  I hope that my boys grow up to be faithful followers of Christ and always remember how important the real meaning of Christmas is.

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